Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday bliss and jitters.

Friday is my busy day. I finally found the time to ship all the 10 packages for my excited Mommy buyers. I had my first six packages picked up by AIR21 while the four remaining I have to bring personally to JRS. Somewhat I am thankful that I left while Wan was asleep on the sofa with my brother.

After the scheduled shipping at JRS, I stumbled upon these lovely beauties in Book Sale at The Atrium. All these babies for only P350! Neat, huh?! I was actually looking for another addition to out Eric Carle collection, but I haven't found any so I got these instead.

I found some more Curious George books to make up for the fact that I haven't found some Eric Carle books. =( Four more Curious George books to add up to his collection. And he is actually slowly digesting it step by step. Although I should say, Curious George stories have more narration, a bit longer but with vibrant colors! Plus, I found two Dr. Seuss books!

I have already noted Dr. Seuss on my list for books to collect but yes, often times I forget about it whenever an Eric Carle book comes into the picture. =) I read at a site that Dr. Seuss books are actually helpful to children when they are starting to talk or learning more words. And yes, I have read a Dr. Seuss book when I was a kid. I used to envy my cousin for having a Dr. Seuss collection. When I got home, he quickly rummaged through the white plastic bag I was bringing. The moment I got them out, his eyes glowed and he said, "Waaaaaw! Book!". Amazing, isn't it? Wan loves books as much as he loves crab and corn, cars or Jollibee's Chicken Macaroni soup. We watched the news about the Intensity 8.9 earthquake that just hit the Central part of Japan at 3:00pm this afternoon and how a ferocious tsunami later affected the Eastern shores of Japan as an aftermath.
Just seeing the video on the news gives me the goosebumps. I just saw how cars are literally floating and hug waves swallowing the towns and house in less than a minute. It was such as bad sight to see. =( I pray for the lives lost during this tragedy. And I pray that nothing like this will happen to us here in the Philippines.

After the news, we read the new books as I let him chose the ones he like. He started with Curious George and then Dr. Seuss. But yes of course, he still stood up and got his Eric Carle books, all six of them. After that we read his all time memorized, favorite book, Where The Wild Things Are.

After our reading marathon, my poor little Wantonball slept atop his pile of books. I found him asleep with a fire truck on his hand. =) It was a tiring day, indeed. And we pray that tomorrow is better than today. Keep safe. Good night!


  1. wow, i love it that you were able to buy all those books! :D

  2. Nice one…

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