Friday, March 18, 2011

Mommy Moments Thursday -- PURPLE!

mommy moments

Since Thursday is my favorite day of the week, I decided to make it as my Mommy Moments Day! Yey! Its my first time to join this exciting venture along with fab Mummy bloggers like me, especially sis Sarah for inspiring me to start blogging again. So my first week starts with PURPLE and here are my Mommy Moments in PURPLE!

Wan at 5 months old back in July 5, 2009 when he first met Barney

Fooling around with Ninang Sasa after my first birthday January 2010

Helping Mom do the chores February 2010

Dinner date with Ninang Grace and Tita Lee around July 2010

Its just amazing how the time flies.


  1. We have almost the same post! My daughter got both of those as well! ^^,

    Happy MM! Sorry for the late visit. :) Here's my purple entry:

    Mars @ The Life Encounters

  2. Hi sis Maricel =)

    Thanks for the visit! <3
    I am following you now! =)

  3. handsome little boy! great pictures! katuwa iyong picture that he is helping you or making it more harder when he's scattering those clothes on the floor but i am sure he is having fun there! :) PinayMum - Mommy's Life Around...was here but late, sorry! have a great week!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @cheerful: Thank you sis! hehe much love!

    @simply kim: he loves barney too sis but oh well, time flies ika nga, he outgrew barney in a blink.

  6. time passes by so fast and these are the moments we want to remember here at mommy moments! :D glad you can join us again! :D
